Fair Competition Policy

We at Cladmate are dedicated to conducting our business in a manner that fosters fair and transparent competition.

Definition of Anti-Competitive Practices

Anti-competitive practices refer to behaviours intended to diminish competition in the market. Examples of such practices include:

  • Colluding with competitors to fix prices of services, either domestically or internationally.
  • Manipulating bids among competitors to ensure a particular competitor wins the bid.
  • Allocating geographic markets among competitors to restrict competition.
  • Establishing unlawful exclusivity agreements that encourage monopolization.
  • Engaging in unlawful mergers and acquisitions that stifle competition.

Our Expectations from Our People and Partners

At Cladmate, we strictly prohibit our employees and partners from engaging in any activities that promote unlawful anti-competitive behaviour. For instance, when attending trade or industry forums, we expect our employees and partners to exercise diligence in their interactions with competitors and to be mindful that discussing prices may be deemed anti-competitive. Furthermore, when our customers engage us in procurement activities on their behalf, we ensure compliance with all regulations pertaining to the prevention of anti-competitive practices.

Prevention of Anti-Competitive Practices

Our Anti-Competition program incorporates the following components:

  • Assessing anti-competition risks when exploring new business opportunities.
  • Formulating comprehensive policies and procedures to address anti-competitive practices.
  • Investigating any allegations related to anti-competitive behaviour and taking appropriate action as necessary.
  • Effectively communicating the principles of fair and open competition throughout the organization.

The responsibility for implementing this policy lies with all Cladmate employees, our partners, and those who represent us. By adhering to these principles, we uphold our commitment to promoting fair competition and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.